
I kNow juSt a tHinG i. E; i dOn'T kNoW aNyThIng...aLtHouGh EnJoy mY bloGgInG woRlD!!!!!

9:50 PM

YoU ArE sooo LoVelY

Posted by Lovlyanup

You know watzzz so beutiful about ur eyezz
That next to a star they shine so bright
They make all d stars seem so small
You become my everything my all

You know watzzz so beautiful about ur smile
In a way it makes d sun worth while
The sun iz so big & bright
But ur smile iz so wonderful & only my light

Have you seen ur eyezz
so big & alwaz on my mind
Big like the stars & moon
remind me of the month of june

Baby nothing compares to You
You are so beutiful & true
you are just so perfect the way You r
Thatz how you stole my heart


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