
I kNow juSt a tHinG i. E; i dOn'T kNoW aNyThIng...aLtHouGh EnJoy mY bloGgInG woRlD!!!!!

9:51 PM

ThE ChApterZ keeP on TuRninG

Posted by Lovlyanup

Life changes & so does the time!!!!!
How much do we try but cant ever judge itz rhyme & rhyme......

The seasons dat once were in their prime!!!!!
Now just seem to be leaving their own shrine........

To live,love & laugh iz wat we dreamed
But life iz not dat kind or so it seemed
The lanes & street dat crossed our wayz
Now they distantly glance but step back by the days......

The smiles,the tears,The times dat iz past
Shall I just touch & feel those for once , last?????
For my journey iz still not over
And my dreams r wat my hands still want to cast.......

I walked, climed & ran to reach where I waz set for!!!!!
Saw it all left far behind dat gave me my strength & power.......

Can I stop, rest & run again?????
If dat will give me the frens & the fun............ Will I regain?????!!!!!


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